Clinical Pharmacology

Complete assessment and evaluation of all problems concerning either pharmacodynamics (i.e., therapeutic selection, efficacy, safety, drug interactions, adverse drug effects) and clinical pharmacokinetics (i.e., adjustments of drug dosing for patients with renal and/or hepatic compromise, bioavailability assessment) are performed. Additionally, pharmacokinetic optimization of drug therapy for specialized patients (i.e., transplant patients receiving cyclosporine, patients receiving IVIG, warfarin and anticonvulsant agents) is available either on a consultative basis or through the Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Service. Drug information services relative to pediatric clinical pharmacology are also available to medical staff members. In addition, the Clinical Pharmacology Service provides consultation for tapers of opioids and benzodiazepines in critically ill children.

Clinical Toxicology

Consultation regarding the identification, emergency management, clinical care and follow-up evaluation for accidental and intentional ingestions is available on a 24-hour basis. Specialized services for chronic intoxications common to pediatrics (i.e., lead poisoning) are also provided on a consultative basis. The service is also available to provide expertise in the management of snake and spider envenomations.

The Section on Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by board certified (or eligible) professionals in Clinical Pharmacology.

Contact Information

Phone: 501-364-1418 

Fax: 501-364-3654

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