This surgery is used to find areas in the brain where the seizures come from. There are two types of diagnostic epilepsy surgery.

Stereo-electroencephalography (SEEG)

A robot guides tiny wires through small holes in the skull into the brain. This helps find electrical activity deep in the brain. This surgery takes couple of hours. After that, your child will stay in the hospital for few days to capture seizures. Recovery at home will take few weeks.

Grid Implantation

A doctor cuts out a small piece of the skull and then puts electrodes on the surface of the brain. The electrodes may help find where the seizures are starting. They can also help find parts of the brain that control speech or movement. The doctor will put the removed piece of skull bone back after the surgery. This surgery takes a few hours. After that, your child will stay in the hospital for few days to capture seizures. Recovery at home will take 4-6 weeks.

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