Arkansas Children's provides right-sized care for your child. U.S. News & World Report has ranked Arkansas Children's in seven specialties for 2023-2024.
Our ERs are staffed 24/7 with doctors, nurses and staff who know kids best – all trained to deliver right-sized care for your child in a safe environment.
Arkansas Children's provides right-sized care for your child. U.S. News & World Report has ranked Arkansas Children's in seven specialties for 2023-2024.
When you give to Arkansas Children's, you help deliver on our promise of a better today and a healthier tomorrow for the children of Arkansas and beyond
When you give to Arkansas Children’s, you help deliver on our promise of a better today and a healthier tomorrow for the children of Arkansas and beyond.
Some of the things your baby will need to accomplish before going home are:
Keep temperature within normal limits with clothes and a blanket with the head of bed flat.
Breathe without the help of a ventilator. Some infants may need to go home with oxygen. Stable on home oxygen flow without any drops in oxygen levels.
Some babies may need apnea monitor for discharge.
Breastfeed well or take the entire amount of feed by a bottle and gain weight consistently.
Remain medically stable: No breath holding spells or low oxygen levels.
Pass car seat test and complete hearing test.
Some of the things you will need to accomplish before going home are:
Make sure all paperwork is completed in admissions: MCD application, Tefra paperwork, SSI application, PCP selected and assigned.
Obtain all supplies needed for home: diapers, crib, car seat, feeding supplies (if formula feeding) and other supplies deemed medically necessary by the medical team.
Identify a pediatrician who will take care of your baby after discharge and make an appointment (ask the medical team how many days after discharge the baby should be seen by pediatrician).
Bring an ice chest to take breast milk home. Ask lactation how much milk so you can bring enough coolers.
Bring infant car seat a few days prior to discharge to be checked by a Car Seat Advocate who has been specially trained to approve car seats for safety.
Watch car seat video offered on the ACH Channel.
Take a CPR class in the NICU (you can take at any point in your child's stay). Classes are 3 times per week.
Bring clothes to take baby home wearing and blankets to cover the infant in the car seat.
Take discharge appointment sheets and discharge instructions sheet.
Get immunization record from the nurse.
Nutrition will give you WIC information and a prescription for formula if your infant qualifies. Practice preparing breast milk or formula feeds according to the recipe Nutritionist gives you.
Learn how to give infants medications. Practice giving medications. Have prescriptions filled a day or two prior to discharge.
Learn how to care for any special equipment (practice cleaning, replacing, using, etc.).