Clinical laboratories employ skilled health professionals who routinely perform tests, analyze results and interpret and manage data. At the Arkansas Children’s Clinical Laboratory, a team of pathologists and medical technologists participates and provides state-of-the-art laboratory testing.

The Pathology Lab prepares surgical/autopsy tissues for microscopic diagnosis using routine, special and immunoperoxidase stains. The Anatomic Pathology Service employs surgical pathologists who are always on call for intraoperative consultation regarding specimen diagnosis. Routine diagnosis of biopsy and surgical specimens is performed on a 5-day-a-week basis, but special arrangements can be made by contacting the surgical pathologist on call. Autopsy pathologists are on call on a constant basis, but usually perform autopsies on a 7-day-a-week basis between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Special arrangements can be made if necessary by contacting the pathologist on call who is always available for consultation or questions regarding autopsy performance.

Test/Information Schedules: 501-364-4238
Days: Monday through Friday (weekends on-call)

Routine and STAT laboratory testing is conducted in the Core Laboratory, where blood bank, chemistry, hematology/coagulation and selected microbiology and virology antigen tests are performed 24 hours each day of the year. This operation provides timely information necessary for diagnosis and treatment. More detailed analyses are conducted in other areas of the laboratory. Our receiving and phlebotomy staff draws patient specimens and prepares them for processing and shipment. Our clinical pathology staff advises the laboratory and is available for consultation in laboratory-related issues on a 7-day-a-week basis.

The Hematology Lab performs Complete Blood Count Analyses, differentiation of blood cells, and body fluid analyses to aid in the diagnosis of hematological diseases and disorders. The Coagulation Lab provides routine hemostasis screening tests to detect abnormal bleeding disorders. The Special Coagulation Lab provides diagnostic testing for congenital bleeding disorders and monitors patients with those disorders throughout their lifespan.

Test/Information Schedules: 501-364-1300
Fax: 501-364-1550
Days: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week

The Metabolic Genetics and Special Chemistry Lab perform biochemical tests to identify disorders caused by inherited genetic mutations. Advanced instrumentation is used to detect biochemical compound(s), which can cause acute, chronic or recurrent illness. Analyses offered for “inborn errors of metabolism” include amino acids, fatty acids, organic acids and steroids. Hemoglobin variants are analyzed for sickle cell and other hemoglobinopathies. Other analyses offered include insecticide poisoning and therapeutic drug levels.

Test/Information Schedules: 501-364-1311
Fax: 501-364-6910
Days: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (After hours testing as needed)

The Microbiology and Virology Lab performs routine analyses of specimens submitted for detection and identification of bacteria, fungus, viruses, mycobacteria, and parasites. Antibiotic susceptibility testing is performed for use by physicians to determine appropriate therapy and to follow trends in hospital infections.

Phone: 501-364-1871
Fax: 501-364-1265
Days: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week

The Molecular Diagnostics Lab performs a variety of PCR assays for detection of the DNA or RNA specific to certain pathogens. PCR testing is available for CMV, EBV, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1\2), Enterovirus, B. pertussis, N. gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia, Kingella, Influenza, C. difficile, Trichomonas and Methicillin-resistant Staph (MRSA) occurrence.

In addition, we perform a Respiratory Pathogen multiplex PCR which tests for Adenovirus, Coronavirus HKU1, Coronavirus NL63, Human Metapneumovirus, Influenza A, Influenza A subtype H1, Influenza A subtype H3, Influenza A subtype 2009 H1, Influenza B, Parainfluenza Virus 1, Parainfluenza Virus 2, Parainfluenza Virus 3, Parainfluenza Virus 4, Rhinovirus/Enterovirus, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, B. pertussis, Coronavirus OC43, Coronavirus 229E, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Chlamydia pneumoniae.

Test/Information Schedules: 501-364-4242

The Molecular Genetic Pathology Lab performs the following testing:

Cytogenomic SNP Arrays:

  • SNP Microarray Handout
  • The Cytoscan Dx Assay is an FDA-approved diagnostic test intended for the postnatal detection of chromosomal copy number variants (CNV) underlying the genetic cause of developmental delay (DD), intellectual disability (ID), congenital anomalies, or dysmorphic features in children. If the patient does not meet these requirements, the Cytoscan HD Assay (non-FDA approved version) will be performed.
  • The Cytoscan HD Assay may also be performed on first degree relatives of ACH patients to confirm the presence or absence of a known familial CNV.

Fragile X Syndrome:

  • Fragile X Syndrome Handout
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for accurate sizing ofFMR1 allele sizes; methylation status of premutation and full mutation alleles is also performed as a second tier test.

Prader-Willi/Angelman Syndrome:

  • Assessment of the methylation status of the 15q11 locus using pyrosequencing technology for sequence-based detection and quantification of the maternal and paternal alleles.

Inherited risk factors for thrombosis

  • Directed genotyping with the use of an FDA-approved Invader® diagnostic test from Hologic Inc. for the two most common mutations: R506Q mutation in Factor V Leiden and G20210A mutation in Prothrombin (Factor II).

MECP2 Genotyping (Rett syndrome or an MECP2-related disorder):

  • Whole gene sequencing, deletion/duplication analysis, and targeted sequencing for a familial mutation are available.

Sanger Sequencing

  • The detection of familial variants.

Cystic Fibrosis

  • Genotyping for the 46 most common mutations in the CFTR gene via Invader technology.

This department plans to offer full gene sequencing of UBE3A (second tier test for Angelman syndrome) and PTEN (PTEN-related disorders). Next Generation Sequencing panels for DD/ID, autism, neurology, cardiology, pulmonology, congenital anomalies and more complex indications will also be available soon.

To order genetic testing, please complete the client requisition form available by reaching 501-364-4245 along with the Consent Form for Genetic Testing.

Test/Information Schedules: 501-364-4245
Fax: 501-364-1733 
Days: Monday through Friday; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

The Special Immunology Lab evaluates all degrees of functional immunodeficiency states in adult and pediatric populations. Some of the available analyses include leukocyte subset quantitation, flow cytometry, reactivity of circulating lymphocytes to mitogenic stimulators and specific antigens, neutrophil function studies and antibody response to protein and carbohydrate antigens. Special immunology also evaluates the body's immune response to infection by measuring a variety of abnormal antibody responses, including those of allergic diseases. A specialist physician is available for consultation regarding immunological testing and interpretation.

Test/Information Schedules: 501-364-4242
Fax: 501-364-6880
Days: Monday through Friday; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

The Transfusion Medicine/Blood Bank Lab provides transfusion support and performs routine and specialized serology and component preparation for patients. Cell saver autotransfusion procedures are carried out by Blood Bank personnel for certain orthopedic cases. Clinical pathologists interpret transfusion reactions and antibody screening tests and are available for consultation on transfusion needs.

Test/Information Schedules: 501-364-1314
Fax: 501-364-1324
Days: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week

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