At the Arkansas Center for Bleeding Disorders, our experts work closely with you and your child to create a personalized care plan that keeps your child healthy while living life to the fullest.
At Arkansas Children's your child will benefit by receiving treatment from leading experts in treating hemophilia and bleeding disorders. We are the first and only Hemophilia Treatment Center in Arkansas and we are a designated Comprehensive Hemophilia Treatment Center by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Maternal Child Health Bureau. We also are certified by the National Hemophilia Foundation for providing comprehensive care to children and teens with bleeding disorders.
Bleeding disorder treatments aim to keep your child healthy, safe and free from complications. We provide:
We’ll work with you to create the best treatment plan for your child’s specific type of bleeding disorder.
We participate in the federal the 340B Pharmacy Program The 340B Pharmacy Program lets Arkansas Children’s purchase hemophilia factor replacements at reduced prices. When you enroll in the program, the factor replacement is delivered to your home.
All revenues from the program are invested back into the care and treatments we provide, such as:
Participation in the 340B Pharmacy Program lets us continue to grow and expand the Arkansas Center for Bleeding Disorders and the programs we offer to our patients.
Your child may also be able to take part in a clinical trial for hemophilia or another bleeding disorder. We are currently participating in several different trials. Talk with your child’s doctor to find out if he or she child can benefit from one of these studies.